Out of Hiding


Sunday Worship | English Service, 11:00AM

by: Briseida Ortiz



Is anyone feeling like they are losing faith in the power of prayer? Have you ever felt like your prayers aren't even touching the ceiling?

Did you know that the posture of your spiritual heart in prayer can make a difference?

Prayer is Essential and scripture speaks to us of how we can approach God, touch heaven and change earth!

In this Quick and Easy-to-read Testimonial I share about a time I was depressed, and the battle I face to feel heard. I share what I learned through depression and how God gave me the tools to overcome.

“Today God wants you to take a knee and root yourself in the moment. “ Out of Hiding pg.35

We released this book in April of 2018 and during the quarantine I felt to do something that would make a difference. I want to donate a generous portion of the sales to a local counseling ministry. Many people experience depression or anxiety and don't seek Professional Christian Counseling because they can't afford to. I have nothing against secular counseling, but there is a unique condition of the thought process of a Believer and those processes need to be addressed by other believers.

If you have already read the book could you kindly leave a comment or review of the book below or consider buying one for someone in need?

It’s time to Come Out of Hiding and position yourself for breakthroughs in prayer!

To order send the author an email requesting a copy to brisy@live.com 
Blog comments will be sent to the moderator

Is anyone feeling like they are losing faith in the power of prayer? Have you ever felt like your prayers aren't even touching the ceiling?

Did you know that the posture of your spiritual heart in prayer can make a difference?

Prayer is Essential and scripture speaks to us of how we can approach God, touch heaven and change earth!

In this Quick and Easy-to-read Testimonial I share about a time I was depressed, and the battle I face to feel heard. I share what I learned through depression and how God gave me the tools to overcome.

“Today God wants you to take a knee and root yourself in the moment. “ Out of Hiding pg.35

We released this book in April of 2018 and during the quarantine I felt to do something that would make a difference. I want to donate a generous portion of the sales to a local counseling ministry. Many people experience depression or anxiety and don't seek Professional Christian Counseling because they can't afford to. I have nothing against secular counseling, but there is a unique condition of the thought process of a Believer and those processes need to be addressed by other believers.

If you have already read the book could you kindly leave a comment or review of the book below or consider buying one for someone in need?

It’s time to Come Out of Hiding and position yourself for breakthroughs in prayer!

To order send the author an email requesting a copy to brisy@live.com 
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